Monday, September 30, 2013

Brace Yourselves....Rock-tober Is Here!

Sooo.....with today being the 30th and the last day of September, tomorrow starts that month long celebration known as Rock-tober!

Never heard of it? That does not bode well for your street cred. Here's the story. Back in college, the classic rock stations I tuned to showcased a different artist every day of the month during October. It was awesome when ZZ Top was in the spotlight, but a downer when the Doors (never did get them) had their day. This was one of my annoyances. I didn't always dig the day's selection and wished I could stack the playlist in my favor. Fast forward a decade and a half (...maybe 2) and here we are. Since I've been waxing nostalgic of late I've decided reprise this fall tradition of my youth. Starting tomorrow, and continuing for the entire month, I'll regale you with my favorite song from a different artist each day.

Some ground rules:

  1. This is my list. If you disagree, make your own bloody list. If I wanted universal appeal, I'd post pictures of kittens.
  2. If it was released past 1989, stop looking. It ain't on this list - we're going old school here.
  3. An artist can only make the list once. No repeats. No exceptions.
With that, buckle up and enjoy the ride.