It's been well established that I'm a collector - Andrea would say pack-rat. I chalk it up to my undiagnosed OCD. If I have a partial set of something, I'm agitated until the set is complete. As a comic book collector, this is particularly vexing. For example, I'm only missing a dozen issues of the 137 issue Green Arrow run from 1987, but those missing books will bother me until I have them in hand.
Sometimes, this fixation settles on the exceedingly mundane. A previous job required extensive travel, and I tended to stay at Hampton Inns when on the road. At the time, the Hampton hotel chain printed room key cards with the Hampton logo and the state the hotel was in. When I noticed this pattern, I, of course, started keeping them in an attempt to collect as many as possible. I wound up with nearly 2 dozen state cards before Hampton changed their key card design, doing away with state designations. I'm still miffed about that one.
Social media feeds added a new facet to this compunction to collect. I've found myself compiling those succinct, snarky commentaries about our modern culture we know as memes. Recently, I started going through folders on my PC where I've categorized them. There were folders for Rock-tober, books, and movies. I then came across one simply labeled G.O.M. My brow crinkled as I didn't remember what the acronym meant. When I opened it, I was greeted by this gem:
And this one:
At some point over the past year, I updated the collection with COVID-related pieces.
With these, I picked up on the theme and remembered what G.O.M stood for:
G.O.M. apparently stands for "Grumpy Old Man"...
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