Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Rock-tober 30, 2019

By Derived from a scan of the album cover (creator of this digital version is irrelevant as the copyright in all equivalent images is still held by the same party). Copyright held by the record company or the artist. Claimed as fair use regardless., Fair use,
If you read this blog, you know a thing or two about music. Specifically, you know the effect it can have on your moods. The proper tune can lift your spirits when you're down in the doldrums. The right music can get you jazzed or chill you out. A relaxing melody can take the rough edges off a bad day while a riffing bass and drums can Hulk you up before your next reps on the bench press.

I have a habit of looking at my calendar on my walk into the office. If my day is clear with no meetings or deadlines I'll listen to my "Chill" playlist with guys like Percy Sledge or JJ Grey. On the other hand, if it looks like I'll be stepping into a combat zone I tend to queue up something more aggressive.

As I was going through my emails one morning, I muttered under my breath that I'm glad I'd gotten my dose of Poison earlier. A younger colleague overheard me. "Whoa!" His head popped back and his eyes widened with concern. "Hey, man, that doesn't sound like a good thing."

"What? No, dude, no. Not poison...Poison." His look of concern did not dissipate and my annoyance was on the rise. "Poison! '80's era rock band? 'Nothing but a Good Time'!?" There was no spark of recognition on his face. Seeing my attempts to mentor and educate the younger team members still had a ways to go, I let out a heavy sigh. I should be used to this by now since it was another member of this same crew who once asked during happy hour downtown, "Hey, what band was David Lee Roth in? Yeah, wasn't he in Guns N Roses?"

Yes, I know. I have a lot of work ahead of me.

Recently, a perfect storm has been brewing. Two key personnel transferred off our contract, and I've been trying to cover their workload and maintain my own operations. A few weeks ago one of our leads tendered his resignation. During his separation process, he dropped by my office. "Hey, Wayne, I know I should have consulted with you earlier, but I asked that you be named 'acting' until my position can be backfilled." Bloody hell. My calendar suddenly started dinging with invites as his task and meeting load was transferred to me.

Realizing my tolerance for shenanigans had now dropped to zero, my close colleagues have given me an exceedingly wide berth, but they've been doing all they can to help shoulder the burden as I take on three roles in addition to my own. That's been the one ray of sunshine in this gathering storm - I've got a superlative team backing me up. Even so, I don't think I'll be listening to my "Chill" playlist on my morning walks into the office anytime soon.


Gear up and mount up, Buttercup. The only easy day was yesterday.

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