Thursday, October 10, 2013

Rock-tober: Day 10

The Hollies, a group out of the UK, released "Long Cool Woman" in 1972. It opens with a strutting guitar line punctuated by drum beats before starting into some of the most unintelligible lyrics I've ever heard. Maybe it's because they're British - I turn captions on when I'm watching BBC America. Thanks to the Internet, I finally figured out they're saying, "She was a long cool woman in a black dress, just a 5'9", beautiful, tall." Huh. Sounds like a red head I know...

This was not a big hit for the Hollies in the UK - it only went to #32. However, in the US, they rode it all the way to #2, making it the highest ranked song of their US Top 10 singles. Maybe it's the gangster motif and the gun play that made it more relevant over here. For me, it's the only song of theirs that I own. Their other hits, and there's a number of them including "Air That I Breath" and "He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother" are a little too "bubble gum rock" for me.

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