Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Rock-tober: Day 30

Dire Straits was founded in 1977 around the guitar slinging Knopfler brothers. Their sound is unique, and if you listen to any Dire Straits song you'll hear their jazz and blues roots shining through.

Of their six albums, my favorite is their fifth, Brothers in Arms, put out in 1985. This album garnered a couple of Grammys and saw the release of 5 singles. One of them went all the way to #1 on the Billboard Top 100: "Money for Nothing".

The problem is, I really don't like it. Maybe I can blame MTV. Back in the day, the station only had a handful of music videos and they played them repeatedly - burning me out permanently on the song. Besides, I think other tracks on the album are way more interesting and showcase their blues influenced style way better.

I've owned two copies of this album. The first was actually a cassette that I brought with me on board the USS Seahorse. I added it to the collection in the galley's stereo system, and just about every time I walked in, night or day, it was playing. When I disembarked I left it behind figuring it was in a loving home.

I relied strictly on radio airplay to get my Straits fix after that. This lasted until 2006 when a Ukrainian lady I was working with gave me her copy, now in CD format. After 17 years I owned the album again. Thanks, Olga!

Here's the thing. After all that, my favorite Straits song isn't even on Brothers in Arms.  For that, you've got to go all the way back to 1978 and their self titled, debut album, Dire Straits. If you ran with me back in the day, you'll know which song I'm talking about.

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